
[A] existence [B] store [C] reality [D] mind



A life B existence C survival D maintena

[单选题]A. life B existence C survival D maintenance

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    [单选题]A random sample of 100 computer store customers spent an average of $75 at

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    [单选题]在命令窗口中输入下列命令: x=3 STORE x*2 TO a,b,c ? a,b,c 屏幕上显示的结果是A.3B.2 2C.666D.3 3 3

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    [单选题]下列赋值语句正确的是( )。A.)STORE5TOXBB.)STORE5,6TOX,BC.)X,Y=5D.)X=5,Y=6

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  • 简述VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language

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  • [A] existence [B] store [C] reality [D]