A.) under B) over C) above D ) beyond
[单选题]Finding a job in such a big company hasalways been ______ his wildest dream
[单选题]Finding a job canbe [depressing] and disappointing,and therefore it is impo
[单选题]Finding a job canbe [depressing] and disappointing,and therefore it is impo
[单选题]Finding a job canbe [depressing] and disappointing,and therefore it is impo
[主观题]B.ig Screen Complex has the__________ (comfortable) seats.
[单选题]Applicants for this company have to be informed of the demands peculiar to
[主观题]H.ow has your last (or present) job changed since you’ve held it?从你接手前一份(或现在的)工作开始,这项工作发生了怎样的变化?
[单选题]A company is evaluating an independent investment project that has the same